Preschool General Overview
It’s important for young learners to have plenty of early learning experiences for them to build the skills they need, not only when entering school, but also later in life. Therefore, CCACC Academy makes it a priority to embed these 21st Century Skills within our daily schedule.
We offer a nurturing, modernized program with age appropriate content from a research-based curriculum for each year of development, alongside a Chinese language immersion component in day-to-day teaching. In addition to in-classroom learning, students are involved in a plethora of enriching weekly STEAM experiences throughout the facility. CCACC Academy currently has four preschool classrooms for each age of development.
Our Calendar

Our Curriculum
CCACC Academy Preschool is a reputable Chinese immersion dual-language preschool. Using our research based curriculum, our goal is to create a learning environment where students are aware of the Chinese language and graduate from our Preschool with a small grasp and command of the fundamentals of the language. Research has shown that the best time for a child to learn or be introduced to a new language is within the first three to four years of life. Therefore, we are dedicated to offering a balanced and linguistically appropriate environment for our young learners.
With in-depth research, CCACC Academy uses the Creative Curriculum® and the World of Wonders curriculum for Preschool. The Creative Curriculum is a research-based, comprehensive collection of knowledge building and daily practice resources that explains the “what,” “why,” and “how” of learning. It is a comprehensive, research-based curriculum that features exploration and discovery as a way of learning, enabling children to develop confidence, creativity, and lifelong critical thinking skills. It is designed to ensure that students are a part of a developmentally appropriate and content-rich program for children with diverse backgrounds and skill levels. The Creative Curriculum delivers hands-on and project-based investigations of topics that are relevant topics that are relevant to children’s everyday experiences.
Based on linguistic research, we believe that a multilingual environment can stimulate the development of a child’s brain. We advocate an immersion environment of Chinese, providing children with a top-ten bilingual curriculum focusing on art, language, mathematics, cognitive and logical development, physical and health, communication and collaboration.
World of Wonders builds a strong foundation for early literacy and provides developmentally appropriate instruction for early learners, ages 3-5, including cross-curricular activities, a focus on social-emotional development, and preparation for kindergarten and beyond. Specifically, World of Wonders introduces children to instruction that builds strong foundational skills for success in kindergarten with:
- A focus on letters, oral language, knowledge-building, and listening comprehension
- Development of social-emotional skills
- Math content that is developmental and recursive
- Integration of science, social studies, and music in every unit
With World of Wonders, the students will find the transition to kindergarten easy with consistent instructional features, routines, and support. Careful attention has been paid to the overlap of skills in late-PreK and early-K.
World of Wonders addresses the flexible nature of the early childhood classroom while helping teachers make the most of their instructional time.
- Introduce key classroom routines and build content knowledge to develop skills and prepare children for kindergarten.
- Integrate your favorite materials into thoughtfully designed lesson structures.
- Access robust digital resources, including digital flip charts, e-Books, videos, music, and “School to Home” letters in multiple languages.
- Easily organize and manage your classroom with a complete, organized instructional path divided into thematic units, with unit and weekly planners.
- Support the needs of your students through differentiated pathways for children ages 3 to 5, including English learners and children with special needs.
While using the Creative Curriculum® and World of Wonders for all our Early Learning Academy, we have also adopted the CCACC Academy Chinese that are specifically designed to fit the needs of our children in the U.S., and well aligned with the Creative Curriculum® in Chinese.
What will Your Child Learn at CCACC Academy?
● Mandarin taught by a native language instructor
● Character Development (sharing with others, treating each other with respect, leadership traits and attributes)
● 21st Century Skills such as:
- Creativity and Innovation
- Critical Thinking and Problem-solving Skills
- Communication and Collaboration
- Flexibility and Adaptability
- Initiative and Self-direction
- Social and Cross-cultural Skills
- Productivity and Accountability
- Leadership and Responsibility
- Information, Media, and Technology Skills
Healthy, Nutritious Lunch Made with Great Care
At CCACC Academy Preschool, we provide healthy, nutritious lunch that CCACC Kitchen chefs especially made with great care for our students ages 2-5. If you go to our CCACC Academy YouTube channel, you will definitely enjoy watching this 2-minute interview done by our Principal Ms. Avery Wan with Mr. Dongxiang Zhang, the CCACC Kitchen Executive Chef.

Preschool Graduation
CCACC Academy Preschool graduated 23 students on June 10, 2022. These 5 year olds, from the Victor and Explorers Classes, have completed the required Preschool curriculum and activities, and are ready for kindergarten in the fall. Congrats dear kids! We are proud of you.